Documentation: Trips

Modified on Mon, 19 Aug, 2024 at 2:12 PM


Trips are itineraries that include detailed day by day itinerary, costs, inclusions, exclusions and are the end product. 


  • Multiple trips can be associated with a Lead

  • Trips can be duplicated and attached to other Leads


A Trip can be categorized as one of the following:

  • Active - A trip that is currently active indicates it is being actively managed within a lead's portfolio. This status is used for trips that are ongoing or awaiting further actions.

  • Inactive - A trip labeled as inactive has been deactivated and is no longer in active management or consideration. This status helps in organizing and differentiating between current and past travel plans.

  • Confirmed - A confirmed trip status denotes that all necessary arrangements have been finalized and the trip has been officially confirmed with all involved parties, including travelers and service providers. There can be only one confirmed trip per Lead/Booking, which drives the Reports, Financials and Dashlets.

  • Master - Master trips are templates not used directly in itineraries but saved for reference, sampling, or duplication purposes. This status aids in streamlining the creation of new trips by providing a standard or customized template.

  • Multi-Day Tour - This status is assigned to travel components designed to be incorporated into larger trips. Multi-day tours include a series of related travel activities and accommodations that can enhance or extend existing itineraries.

  • Legacy - Legacy trips are those imported into the system during data integration. These trips are typically historical bookings and are maintained for record-keeping, reference, or compliance purposes.

  • In Progress - A trip marked as 'In Progress' is currently being worked on. This status applies to trips that are in the planning stages or actively being modified and updated until all details are finalized and confirmed. 




Trip Information 





Name    TextCreative name applicable to trip
LeadAuto FillAuto filled with the Lead associated with the Lead
StatusListChoose one of the available trip types (see above for details)
VersionTextDifferentiating between different versions of trips. Can be seen in Trips view under Leads
Start CityListChoose applicable start city from drop down menu by typing at least 3 letters
End City        ListChoose applicable end city from drop down menu by typing at least 3 letters
Start CountryAutoBased on Start City
End CountryAutoBased on End City
Start DateDateDate reflective of Day 1 in the itinerary
Additional CountryListChoose applicable additional country from drop down menu by typing at least 3 letters
TypeListOptions are set in company's profile configuration
BudgetListOptions are set in company's profile configuration
DescriptionTextFree Text or the option to import template by clicking import button 
NotesTextInternal notes (not seen on itinerary)


Price IncludesText (Template Option)Free Text or the option to import template by clicking import button 
Price ExcludesText (Template Option)Free Text or the option to import template by clicking import button 
Additional ContactTextContact information relevant to trip, for booking confirmation


Custom Content - Before Day by Day Itinerary    HeadingSection that allows you to customize content before the Day by Day itinerary
Header    TextFree Text to label the header of this piece of content
AppendPrompt    Allows you to append a Content Template
Content ToolbarWindow    Allows you to add, edit, save custom content. Toggle to HTML control by (</>).
Custom Content - After Accommodations    HeadingSection that allows you to customize content before the Day by Day itinerary
Header    TextFree Text to label the header of this piece of content
AppendPrompt    Allows you to append a Content Template
Content ToolbarWindow    Allows you to add, edit, save custom content. Toggle to HTML control by (</>).

Trip Image

Change ImageSelect    See How to Search Images for more information


Company Specific ContentCompany Specific ContentDuring your Data Integration and On-boarding procedure, you will be able to add custom content to the trips module. 

Trip System

Show Per Person?Y/NOption to show per person pricing on Proposal
Client URLAuto/customAuto-filled with Trip ID. Format: first letter of first name + first 3 letters of last name + 00 + Trip ID. If no client is linked to a trip, a trip URL will be automatically added (randomized letters, which will need to be updated). 
Show PriceY/NOption to show pricing on Proposal






Day View

Day ListAutoAutomatically organizes the trip from the first to the last day according to the itinerary and cannot be manually adjusted.
Number of Nights#Change the number of nights for one day
TitleTextAdd customized title to a day
Destination/ServiceAuto FillClick the Castle in the edit column to add a destination/service
AccommodationsAuto FillClick the building in edit column to add an accommodation
MealsCheckChoose B: Breakfast, L: Lunch, D:Dinner per day as appropriate
Edit: Drop DownTextSmall downward arrow in Edit column allows for free flow text in day's description. 
Delete DayPromptDelete the day line from itinerary
Add DayPromptAdds a day below 
Add ImagePromptSmall image button allows adding an image. See How to Search Images for more information
Add Destination/ContentPromptAdd Destination or content information to a day
Add Tour/ServicePromptCastle button in edit column allows to add or append tour/service 
Add AccommodationsPromptSmall square building in right of edit column allows to add accommodation to a day, multiple days and/or multiple rooms

Item View

Day ListAuto FillFrom Day View
Day TitleAuto FillFrom Day View
Day ImageAuto FillFrom Day View
TypeAuto FillFrom Day View, Blue Tours are hardcoded, green are appended and customizable
NameAuto Fill
From Day View, if tour is appended, customizable
DescriptionText/Auto FillIf tour is appended (green), description is customizable

Delete TourPromptAbility to delete tour in Item View 
Append TourPromptSmall circular arrows allow you to append in the Item View section

Detail View

Day ListAuto Fill
Day TitleAuto Fill
TypeAuto Fill
NameText/Auto FillIf tour is appended (green), name is customizable
Start TimeTimeIf start time is given in itinerary, can be incorporated in tour/service that is coded to reflect
Start LocationListIf start location is given in itinerary, can be incorporated in tour/service that is coded to reflect
End TimeTimeIf end time is given in itinerary, can be incorporated in tour/service that is coded to reflect
End LocationListIf end location is given in itinerary can be incorporated in tour/service that is coded to reflect
OptionalY/NAbility to make tour optional. Comes up in a yellow box in Proposal View. Not included
TimeY/NAbility to indicate start times in Proposal
Quantity#Ability to add multiple quality to itinerary
Delete TourButtonDeletes tour in Detail View

DMC View

NameAuto FillAllows for a standardized copy of itinerary to present to DMC once the trip has been created in Oasis.
PAXAuto Fill
BudgetAuto Fill
AccommodationAuto Fill
Day By Day SummaryAuto Fill

Summary View

Day OrderDrag & DropAllows reordering days within an itinerary. Beware to switch titles and other content to reflect reorder
Date ListAuto Fill
Number of Nights#Change the number of nights for one day
TitleTextAdd customized title to a day
DescriptionAuto FillTour/ Service, Description Title
MealsMenuChoose B: Breakfast, L: Lunch, D:Dinner per day as appropriate
Delete/Add DayPrompt

Add - Drop Down Menu

DestinationPromptAdd a destination description to a specific day
AccommodationPromptOpens accommodation prompt
ServicesPromptOpens services prompt
Multi-Day TourPromptOpens prompt to add multi-day component 
Master TripPromptOpens prompt to add a master itinerary 
Client TripPromptOpens prompt to add a trip from another lead
Remove All (hotels)PromptRemoves all hotels from the itinerary
Day 1PromptAllows adding a Day 1 to itinerary
Multiple DaysPromptAllows to add multiple days to itinerary
Copy to LeadPromptAbility to copy itinerary to another lead





Show HistoryPromptShows history previously saved
Save HistoryPromptSave a snapshot of all cost fields for future reference
Add CostsPromptAdd new costs field to a trip (see How to Add Trip Costs for more information)

Cost Numbers

Cost TypeAuto FillFills when adding cost to trip (see How to Add Trip Costs for more information)
Conv. Rate
Nett (Base)
Nett (Org.)
Nett (USD)
Margin (%)
Margin ($)
Edit Cost
Delete Cost
Split Bills

Add Cost to Trip




Options are set in company's profile configuration
Options are set in company's profile configuration
Choose original currency quote was made in
Conv. Rate
Auto Fill
Fills in once currency is chosen
Nett (Base)
Nett price (in original currency) from supplier
Per person/ Per night factor (ex. 2 PAX = factor of 2)
Nett (Org)
Auto Fill

Nett (USD)
Auto Fill

Margin (%)
Margin to mark up to present to client
Margin ($)
Auto Fill
Calculated based on Nett + Margin %
Rack ($)
Total to be charged toward the client. Can be added manually: Calculate margin by clicking bolt. 
Internal notes on costs (not viewable by client).