Once a Trip associated with a Lead is marked as Confirmed, its costs will be listed in the Financials Tab of the Lead.
The Lead Financials are broken up into 5 distinct sections
Costs - All Costs Associated with a Trip
Supplier Invoices - All Invoices associated with a Trip's cost
Client Bills - All Bills Associated with a Trip
Financial Review - All Costs, Invoices, and Bills combined to ensure Financial Quality Control.
Financials Summary - Final Numbers that will be used in Reporting
Trip Costs Prompt | ||
Cost Types | Drop Down Menu | Ground, Airfare, Other, Fees, Commission, Ground (Non-Comm), Surcharge, Discount |
Supplier | Drop Down Menu | Choose one of the Suppliers listed in your System |
Currency | Drop Down Menu | Choose the original currency that the Supplier Cost's were quoted in |
Conv. Rate | Locked Item | Based on the Currency, Will convert original Currency to USD |
Nett (Base) | Number (no symbols) | Nett Costs from the Supplier (In original Currency) |
Factor | Number | Factor is what the Nett Cost (Base) is based on such as Per Person, Per Night, Per entire trip, etc. |
Nett (Original) | Auto | Based on the Total of Nett Base + Factor (In Original Currency) |
Nett (USD) | Auto | Based on Total (Nett Original) x Currency Conversion into USD |
Margin (%) | Number (Percent: 1-100, no symbols), Auto | Percent Amount of the Margin to be calculated for Rack Cost: Nett (USD) x % = Rack Cost. Auto: See How to Calculate Costs for more details on the relationship between the Rack and Margin |
Margin ($) | Auto | Based on the Margin % & Nett Costs |
Rack (USD) | Auto, Manual | Auto: Total Rack Amount Based on Nett x Margin (%). Manual, See How to Calculate Costs for more details on the relationship between the Rack and Margin |
Notes |
Supplier Bills Prompt | ||
Status | Drop Down Menu | Unpaid, Reconciled, Scheduled, Paid |
Type | Drop Down Menu | Deposit, Final, Credit |
Supplier | Drop Down Menu | If a partner is not chosen, choose one of the Suppliers listed in your System. You may only have either a Supplier or a Partner. |
Partner | Drop Down Menu | If a Supplier is not chosen, choose one of the Partners listed in your System. You may only have either a Supplier or a Partner. |
Payment Method | Drop Down Menu | Choose: Credit Card, Wire, Check, Cash, Paypal |
Bill Date | Calendar | Choose the date the Bill is due |
Currency | Drop Down | Indicate which currency the Bill is payable in |
Conv. Rate | Auto | Based on the Currency Chosen |
Amount (Org) | Number | Nett Amount Due to the Supplier |
Amount (USD): Total | Number | Nett Amount in USD due to the Supplier |
Notes | Free Text |
Client Invoices Prompt | ||
Status | Drop Down Menu | Unpaid, Paid, Pending |
Type | Drop Down Menu | Deposit, Final, Refund |
Payment Method | Drop Down Menu | Choose: Credit Card, Wire, Check, Cash, Paypal |
Payment Date | Calendar | Date Payment is Made |
Payer First Name | Text | First Name of Person who made the Payment |
Payer Last Name | Text | Last Name of Person who made the Payment |
Amount (USD) | Number | Payment Amount, in USD |
Notes |