Upgrading to Multi Image Widget

Modified on Wed, 1 May, 2024 at 9:34 AM

If you are using multi-image itineraries in Oasis, you can also display multi-image itineraries on your website with the Oasis Widget.  

Step 1. Enable Multi-Image Widget Setting

Navigate to Company Profile, then toggle the "Multi-image Widget" setting:

After this, any new trips that you embed will be in multi-image mode.  If you have existing trip widgets embedded in your website, they will continue to work in single image mode.  In order to update existing embedded widgets to multi-image mode, you will need to make a slight update to the HTML on your website.

Example old HTML

<div class="oasis-trip" trip-id="5555" floating-menu="true" offset-top="100"></div>
<script src="https://myoasisapp.com/assets/widget/widget.js" type="text/javascript" oasis-company-key="abc-travel"></script>

Example updated HTML (change is bolded and underlined):

<div class="oasis-trip" trip-id="5555" floating-menu="true" offset-top="100"></div>
<script src="https://myoasisapp.com/assets/widget/widget-v2.js" type="text/javascript" oasis-company-key="abc-travel"></script>

Adding the '-v2' to the script tag will ensure that the latest code is pulled from Oasis and multi-image itineraries are displayed correctly.