Step 1. Navigate to Sign Up Screen
Visit and click the "Sign Up" prompt
Step 2: Sign up
You can sign up using your existing Google or Microsoft account. Or you can sign in Manually. See both options below
Option 1: Sign up with Google
Option 2: Sign up Manually
Step 3: Verify Email
Once you have signed up using a valid email address and your desired password. You will receive a message indicating to verify your email. Check your Inbox and follow steps to verify your email address.
**Note: If you signed with Google or any other social connection, you will automatically be verified, skip to Step 4**
Verification Email
Verification Confirmation
Step 5: Account Set Up
While we are setting up your account, you will receive the following message. Once your account has been set up, we will send a Welcome Email.
Step 4: Welcome Email
Once your user name has been verified and created, we will send you a welcome email indicating your account is active.